How To Book The Best Flights
No Matter Where You're Flying, These Flight-Booking Tips Will Help You Find The Best Flights At The Best Price
- by Nathan Heinrich
- June 13th, 2023
- Prosecco Hills, Itlay
While booking your flight to Italy might be the least exciting part of your trip, choosing the right flight, as well as, the month and day you travel, will impact your entire travel experience.
Here are some of the best flight-booking travel hacks I have picked up over the past 15 years.
Although I live in Italy for part of the year, I regularly fly back and forth to the United States.
The following simple tips have saved me countless thousands of dollars over the years – I hope you find them helpful as you book your next flight.

Tip #1.) Be Flexible!
For the best results and the best rates on airfare, flexibility is key.
When you’re thinking about traveling, you probably pick your dates and then begin shopping for flights on those dates, right?
Well, I suggest turning this method upside down and doing it in the opposite order.
If you select a 1-month window when you could travel, you could easily save hundreds or even thousands of dollars on your airfare – not to mention finding better flights with fewer connections.

Tip #2.) Travel in the "Off-Season"
Travel agents and experts know that the worst time of the year to travel is during the months of May through August.
This period is the peak of the European travel season as well as most other travel destinations.
Every student, teacher, and honeymooner flocks to tropical destinations and tourist locations around the globe because this is the only time of year they are able to travel for more than a week at a time – but is this the only time of year you are available to travel?
If you have two or three weeks of paid vacation available to spend each year, you aren’t required to spend it when everyone else is spending theirs – right?
Spring, Fall, are fabulous times of year to travel.
Most destinations are less hot, less crowded, less expensive, and in my humble opinion, infinitely more enjoyable during the “Off Season”.

Tip #3.) Use Google Flights
Following the flexible travel method, mentioned previously, the best way to find the most advantageous deals and flights is by using “Google Flights”.
I believe there is no greater tool for finding great deals on flights than to use Google Flights!
Below is the step-by-step method using an example of booking a round-trip flight from San Francisco to Rome with Google Flights.

I hope you found these tips for booking the best flights helpful as you plan a weekend getaway or Italian holiday.
So to Recap, keep these things in mind as you book your next flight:
• Be flexible
• Travel during the “Off-Season”
• Use Google Flights
If you have a travel tip you would like to share with our team, please drop us an email at:

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Author Info:

Nathan Heinrich
Nathan is a writer, designer & horticulturist. He is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of "All Roads Lead to Italy" Magazine & host of the Top-10 Travel Podcast, "I'm Moving To Italy!". Nathan was born and raised in a 6th generation farming family in Northern California, he is currently, a dual Italian citizen, living in the Prosecco Valley of Northern Italy, near Venice.